N1* - Be careful to keep yourself in check as you pursue your dreams.
Not just what you are achieving, but also who you are becoming.
I need this quote in front of me as frequently as possible because most of the literature I see is about growth and achievement, not about character development and service.
I believe, at the end of the day, who you are is every bit as more important (if not more) than what you do or accomplish.
There's a famous scripture verse that says, "What if you gain the whole world and lose your soul?" To me, that would be the worst tragedy possible.
I love the who-are-you-becoming quote because it reminds me to think of others as I strive to fulfill myself (it's funny how I don't need a reminder to look out for #1!).
Who are you becoming?
*Be sure to read the Intro post to this blog series to get the most out of it.