C1* - Courage is about focusing on the finish line not on the fear.
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the realization that there is something more important than your fears."
There's always a reason not to do something. But, at some point, your desire to act has to outweigh your fear.
Whether it is pursuing a relationship or investing in real estate, you have to want something so badly that you are willing to take a calculated risk.
There are countless methods and tricks to help overcome fear, but at the end of the day the goal has to be so compelling that nothing else matters, even your fears.
For me, the main way I overcome fear is by keeping my eyes on the prize.
By that I mean I focus intently on what I'm trying to achieve or accomplish until it pushes me right past my fears. (I don't know if you ever eliminate fear. I think you just conquer it in the moment.)
Another way I fight through my fears is asking, "What's the worst thing that can happen if things go bad?"
In most cases, the answer really isn't that that bad.
For example, when I bought my first rental house, I was very nervous about being responsible for a long-term mortgage until I realized that the only real obligation I had was a monthly payment, which, in a worst case scenario, I could figure out a way to pay by other means.
What methods do you use to move past fear and towards your dreams?
*Be sure to read the Intro post to this blog series to get the most out of it.
Comments (4)
Hey, Kent.
Great comment!
I love the idea of focusing on your family as a motivator and an anchor. That's definitely something that's important to most of us so we should never lose sight of it.
Thanks for the reminder!
Douglas Skipworth, about 9 years ago
Great post, Douglas! My strategy is very similar to your "keep your eye on the prize" suggestion. I think of my family and how much I love spending time with them. That motivates me to act (and also to choose my actions wisely), plus it always anchors me.
Kent Clothier, about 9 years ago
Thanks, Nitu. Great to see you on BiggerPockets!
I agree with you that 99.99% of the time things don't turn out as bad as we imagine. Worrying gets us nowhere (but, it's sure hard to not be anxious as times!).
Douglas Skipworth, about 9 years ago
Knowing that at the end of the day it doesn't turn out as bad as you conjure it up in your mind, like you mentioned in the article. Very compelling piece and fantastic quote!
Nitu S., about 9 years ago