Oops I was nice
Well my wife and I still have our first house that we ever bought, a manufactured home deeded to the land. We made the house a very nice home for our young family. In 2010 we wanted to get a new home in a better neighborhood. So seeing that we were underwater we naturally became landlords. The luck that we ran into was spectacular. No bad tenants always paying on time. We took a loss every month because we could not rent the house for what our payment was. Well that luck has ran out.
About 6 months ago my wife and I decided that we wanted to move across the country, for Oregon to Florida, because of the property values and the sun. In our effort to move we found a tenant that was pulling themselves up from a bad situation. ( they were recovering meth addicts) The tenants told us how they had been clean for two years and the wife was pregnant with their third child. Growing up I had seen people pick themselves up from situations like this and finely get their lives together.
Upon us leaving for Florida they moved in. We let them move in early with a small deposit and figured that we would get the rest of the deposit and rent in the next couple of weeks, when the rent was due. Ya that did not work out as planed. They had not payed the rent amount any time that they lived there. We had payment amounts from 200 up to 1200 when the rent was 1100. Not at any time were they current. I kept listening to the sob stories and gave more time. Once I decided to kick them out it was a bad situation. Turns out that they are back on meth and to top it off the tenants mom works for a real estate attorney. Yep another huge issue.
At this time the tenant knows more about the landlord-tenant laws then me. I hired an attorney to kick them out but them knowing all the ins and outs of what I can do they are still in there. Hopefully this problem will be taken care of on the 1st. Meanwhile that house is beat up, holes in the walls, drawers broken, and windows broken.
My conclusion to this mess is that I will never give another person any chance ever again. I was hoping to help someone out and was kicked hard. All in all this cost me 3 months rent and attorney fees. I hope that this will let someone know what not to do.