Real Life Prices- Granite
I am no expert, but I've done a few rehabs. When I walk houses I try to think of what it would cost for various things. I am usually off, sometimes way off. I thought it would be helpful to some newer people to post real world examples of prices.
Example: house in the 150K range. I typically wouldn't put granite in a house like this but I had to replace the counters anyway so I went for it. 2 small bathrooms that had one sink each.
My thought- By measuring you can come up with your square footage pretty easily in a bathroom like this- then just multiply that by your SQ FT price. In my example, the counters were 64.5 in X 22.5in and 59.75in X 22.5in. its about a total of 20 sq ft.
What did I forget??
Cost of white oval bathroom sink & cutout was $75 each (kitchen sink is $150)
Calculating the 3 in (I think that is the size) backsplash that goes around the permiter. That (according to the quote) added approx 5 SQ FT.
Waste- my guy charges very little for waste if I use the basic colors that he uses all the time. In this case he added a few sq ft for waste. You need to check because some places will make you pay for a whole slab.
Total he charged me for was 28 sq ft. I used St Cecilia (sp?), which is considered a base level for most places. My guy charges me $28/sq ft installed plus the sinks shown above. NOTE: from what I've seen these are pretty good prices per SQ FT on granite.
$28 x 28 sq ft= 784
2 sinks= 150
total $934