Mobile Home Parks - Event or not to Event
Sunday, November 26
There is a lot of conversation (ok there is some, not a ton) out there about under utilized community buildings inside mobile home parks nation wide. If you own a park, awesome! Throw parties! Its great fun and gives some more value to your residents, they appreciate it and in turn tend to stay ...
So you've found a mobile home you want to buy.. Now what?
Thursday, December 24
FYI before I even start on anything I should make you aware: mobile homes used aluminum wiring as small branch circuit wiring prior to 1976 and then it was discontinued. Be advised however it's a fire hazard in general so speak with your electrician before you buy any "vintage" mobile. Ok, on to...
Mobile Home Purchase to Flip - Basics Everyone Should Read
Thursday, December 24
Mobile homes are super easy so don't get scared. There are some hidden traps that can get expensive quickly if you don't know where to look, otherwise, every mobile home is pretty much the same. Kind of like a car, you can glue or screw anything to it and it drives down the road like every othe...