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Posted over 7 years ago

Top 25 Excuses for Late Rent

In a recent post, I mentioned that bad tenants are really good at coming up with creative excuses for why their rent is late or not being paid in full. Seriously, it’s a genuine talent that some of them have, and I’ve often wondered if they are professional storytellers in their spare time. While none of them were (at least not to my knowledge), they did inspire me tap into my own creativity and do a post on some of the best excuses I’ve heard over the years. So without further ado, here are my favorite gems:

  1. My car broke down so I paid for it to be fixed instead.
  2. My car broke down so I couldn’t bring it to you. (Even though I provide the ability for them to pay online).
  3. I ran out of stamps so I couldn’t mail it. ( can be paid online. Sigh.)
  4. I promise I sent it! It must have gotten lost in the mail!
  5. My internet got turned off, so I couldn’t pay it. (This coming from the same person who told me they were mailing it.)
  6. I didn’t know it was due. (It’s due the same day every month.)
  7. The check bounced? I swear the money was in there when I wrote it!
  8. The bank took money out of my account without telling me, so I can’t afford it.
  9. My dog got sick and I had to take him to the vet, so I can’t afford it. (Guess what? I don’t allow pets.)
  10. My ex never mailed the child support check, so I can’t afford it.
  11. I had to do back to school shopping, so I can’t afford it.
  12. I have to buy Christmas gifts, so I can’t afford it.
  13. I spent too much on Christmas gifts, so I can’t afford it.
  14. But the 1st was over the weekend, so that’s not fair.
  15. My boss cut my hours so my check was short.
  16. I had to use the money to pay other bills - they were going to shut off my water/electricity/gas/cable/internet!
  17. I was feeling lucky so I went gambling over the weekend, but I lost because the dealer cheated, I swear.
  18. I tried to get the cash out of the ATM, but I accidentally put in the wrong PIN number, and the machine ate my card.
  19. It was raining so I didn’t want to get out. (Seriously. This is what windshield wipers are for….or, you know, they could pay online from the comfort of home.)
  20. My husband/wife/mother/father/sister/brother said they dropped it off for me. Didn’t you get it?
  21. I’m really, really sorry it’s late; I promise to pay two month’s rent next month.
  22. I’ll get my tax refund soon, so I’ll pay for it (and all the other months I missed) then.
  23. I was in the hospital with bacterial meningitis.
  24. X,Y,Z is wrong with the rental, so you need to fix those before I will pay you.
  25. I’m moving anyway. (So I guess this serves as notice - good!)

While this post was written primarily to entertain, I hope that it serves to educate as well. People will say whatever they think will convince you to keep them on as tenants, whether it’s the truth or not. Just remember, every month you go with a partial or late rent is a month that you’re losing money. Tenant screening will go a long way in helping ensure that late/partial payments aren’t something you’ll deal with, but sometimes it just happens. Decide ahead of time how you will handle these situations, make sure your tenants are well aware of your policies, and stick to them.

Comments (2)

  1. Love the list.  As part of my leasing packet that is given to each resident, I put a page in of 50 of the late rent excuses we will not accept and it's not an all inclusive list.  Most people laugh when I point it out to them, and I tell them, I know they won't use these excuses, but want them to see some of the crazy stuff I heard in the past.  Then if they ever come to me with a "late excuse" I can refer back to that sheet.  Here are some more for your list: 

    1. The government hasn’t mailed my check yet and I don’t know when I’ll get it.
    2. I just got out of jail so I didn’t work last week.
    3. I lost my job.
    4. My daughter had a baby.
    5. My power bill is too high – can you lower my rent?
    6. We just bought a new car.
    7. They messed up my check at work.
    8. The banks are closed by the time I get off work so I can’t get your cash.
    9. How much do you need today?
    10. My (insert yet another family member) died and I have to go out of state to the funeral so I won’t have time to come by.
    11. I’m not even really that late.
    12. My (fill in the family member) took the money out of my purse.
    13. I had to use the money to fill up my gas tank or I couldn’t get to work.
    14. I came by last night but you were closed.
    15. The church was going to give me the money to catch up but they haven’t given it to me yet.
    16. My sister’s husband beat her up so I had to give her the money.
    17. It was my (fill in the family member’s name) birthday and I gave them a party.
    18. How many more days ’til it’s really late?
    19. I had to use that money for my medicines.
    20. I can’t drive in the snow.
    21. I don’t get off work in time.
    22. I took my daughter to the mall.
    23. My unemployment hasn’t started yet.
    24. If I pay you, I won’t have anything left until payday.
    25. You made us replace the window we broke so I don’t have any money left.
    26. We took our kids to the beach for vacation.
    27. My son lost his job so I had to pay his rent.
    28. I was in a coma. 
    29. I don’t know when I’ll have time to bring it by.
    30. This is all I have. I’ll bring more next week..
    31. I don’t have time to go by an ATM.
    32. You can’t evict me for 30 days anyway.
    33. I mailed your money but I must have mailed it to the wrong place.

  2. I have heard quite a few of these my self. It is daunting how some of the tenants think that the majority of those excuses are okay. Absolutely ridiculous,