Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Rental Property
Spring is here! Time to open up the windows, let some fresh air in, and take advantage of the nicer weather to do some of those tasks you’ve left undone all winter. I’m not just talking about doing this at your primary home, though. It’s also time to tackle some spring cleaning at your rental property - especially those outdoor jobs you’ve been putting off. Here are a few tasks to take on as the days get warmer:
- Clear out the gutters. Gutters clogged with leaves and other debris can lead to poor drainage and leakage, which can contribute to foundation problems and basement flooding. Avoid this by keeping your gutters clear of gunk so rainwater can flow freely and be diverted away from the foundation. While you’re cleaning, inspect the gutters for cracks, holes, or other damage, and repair or replace if necessary.
- Check over the roof. While you’ve got your ladder out, give your roof a good once over to inspect for damage. Shingles, flashing, and vents should all be checked, and repairs made where needed. Roofs are expensive to replace, and regular inspections and maintenance will extend their lifespan and save you money over the length of your ownership.
- Run the outdoor spigots. Chances are your faucets haven’t been turned on in a few months, so take a moment to run them and ensure the water flows freely and there is no leaking. Let the water flow for several minutes, turning up to make sure the water pressure is where it should be. If it’s not, you may have a leak somewhere, so get it checked.
- Check for wood rot. Shutters, trim, and any other wood features on the outside of your property should be evaluated for rot or other damage. The oncoming warmer temperatures and spring rains can exacerbate any issues, so take care of any damaged spots ASAP.
- Inspect the foundation, driveway and sidewalks. Changing temperatures can wreak havoc on concrete, causing cracks and sinking. Check over all concreted areas, and apply crack sealer if necessary. For major cracks or sinking, you may need to enlist the services of a concrete company for repairs.
- Clean up the yard. Yard work time! Haul out your rakes and pruners and take care of business to get your yard in shape for spring growth. Rake up leaves and sticks, toss some grass seed in bare areas, and trim back bushes and shrubs to promote growth. This will enhance your curb appeal and prevent some of the problems that come with overgrowth.
Spring cleaning isn’t something that’s universally loved, but it is necessary. All homeowners - and especially investors who are looking to make money off their properties - need to take property maintenance seriously. Keeping your rental home in good shape will save you money in the long run, so whether you take on these tasks yourself or assign them to another person, take some time out this spring to get them done.