Beating Burnout: How to Overcome the Investor Career Blues
Burnout is a common phenomenon in most industries, especially for highly dedicated and driven real estate investors. If you’ve put all of your energy and time into a project or a job, it often can wear on you, especially if you don’t see results right away. You may be tempted to quit, but don’t give up just yet. There are many coping strategies that you can use when you are feeling burnt out that can help you get back on track.
Take a (short) break.
The best-known strategy for dealing with burnout is to just take a break. Although it is essential to take a break in order to recharge, many people don’t approach the break with the right attitude and then end up experiencing burnout again. Your break should be short but very productive. Take a few days away from work and avoid using your phone or laptop for work purposes. Approach the break with the idea that you are going to do things that make you feel better, instead of just sleeping or watching TV. You might plan a weekend trip, go for a hike, meet up with close friends, or do something else positive that will make you feel better.
Remember what inspired you in the first place.
Everyone in real estate investing likely had a moment when they realized this was the career for them. Go back to that moment and try to remember what sparked your curiosity about this profession. Did you read an article or watch a video that got you hooked? Did you talk with another investor? Whatever it was, thinking back on it can help you remember why you got started and push you to keep working towards your desired outcomes.
Determine the cause of the burnout.
In order to recover from burnout, you first need to identify what caused it. Some people experience burnout because they have taken on too much work and feel overwhelmed, while others feel burnt out because they feel dissatisfied with their work. Determine what the cause was for you and then identify concrete steps you can take to address it, so it doesn’t happen again.
Make a detailed plan.
Once you’ve taken a break and decide it’s time to go back to work, create a very detailed plan for yourself that will help you manage your workload and take concrete steps to improve and feel satisfied with your work. This can help you avoid burnout again in the future, because if you start to feel like your investment career isn’t going anywhere, you have a plan to turn to.
Although burnout can be incredibly frustrating, taking action to work through it can help you get your career back on track. Once you’ve worked through your first case of burnout, you will likely develop a new appreciation for your work that will help you stay motivated in the future.