Am I crazy????
Are you crazy? Thats the question I get when I tell people I am interested in a career in real estate. "Are you crazy, you're a nurse, you have a great job. Why would you want to get into real estate?"
What do you say to that? How do you tell people, Im unfulfilled. How do you say I cannot get up every morning, work my a** off, clock out, go to the gym, eat, go to sleep and do it all over again the next day. Passion? Puuuhhhhleeeaaassseeee, that ship has long since sailed. Now don't get me wrong, the medical field is home to some of the most rewarding careers.
The joy I get from my patients and their families is indeed unmatched. Lets be real, I have literally saved lives. SO why is it I feel so unfulfilled? How can I not be as "passionate" as I was when I first graduated college? One word MANAGEMENT.
The moment I found myself in a management position the patients became numbers, treatment became an option depending on insurance type and lives became bars on a graph. How could this be? How could an advancement in my career steal my passion? It was then I found myself working for a paycheck. Another harsh realization was that I would always be working in someone elses business. Would I ever have the freedom to make decisions outside of my role/title. Probably not. Bound to the cubicle with no way out.
Complacency is indeed suicide.
Then it happened..... The desire to be more, to do more. To generate my own income. Create my own rules. Work my a** of for ME and MY COMPANY. I should have known I was an entrepreneur at heart when every nursing job Ive ever had was an issue. I was constantly trying to build a system, to tweak the policies to be more efficient. I hated having to follow "policies and procedures" and not having the independence to do what I knew needed to be done. I was building in a business thats fights change, fights creativity. Stuck in a world of "We've always done it this way"
Long story short, well maybe not so short, I stumbled upon the world of real estate. O what a fascinating world it is. So much to learn, so many mistakes to be made, lessons to learn, trials and tribulations to be had and SUCCESS to achieve.
I am no "get rich quick" kind of girl. I want to first and foremost build something that not only helps me but helps my family and my future children. Something that I create, I control and I am passionate about. Will this transition be easy? Hell no, but nothing beats paving your OWN road to success.
Comments (2)
I totally agree with Michael Boyer! Your note and passion and lack of passion in your old field definitely showed. I get the same kind of response when I tell people/friends/family- your going to quite your nice secure permanent government position that you got a degree for to go play in real estate??? Anyways just saying that I can definitely relate! Good luck to you and your endevours!
Simone Mansfield, over 9 years ago
Super piece... I really like how your voice comes through and you hit on some of the motivations for self employment and real estate (and this may even be something you can fit in with some W2 work, especially to start). Best of luck...
Michael Boyer, over 9 years ago