Attitude is Everything
According to a statistic put out by USA Today, the chances of winning the lottery are 1 in 292.2 million. I know, pretty HUGE number right? Well what if I told you that you, yes YOU are a statisitic much, much larger than that? According to the Huffington Post, the chances of you being born into this world are 1 in400 TRILLION. Not million, not billion.... but TRILLION. Why do I bring this up? Simply because i I want to make a point that life is precious and so is our time here on earth. It's also important because it's a statistic that proves we were put here on this planet to do something great, whatever it may be, with this amazing opportunity we call life. Being able to enjoy this adventure for only a limited amount of time, it's critical that we have the right attitude every step of the way.
The cool thing about your attitude is the choice is yours. No matter who you are, where you are, or what you are doing, you get to decide if you are going to look at the glass half-empty or half -full. Life can be the most amazing thing you could ever imagine, if you just change the way look at it. We can choose an inner-dialouge of self-motivation and positivity, or we can choose one of self-pity and self-defeat. It is truly a power that we each possess. Life is life, and with that being said we each encounter hardships, hard times, and obostacles along the way. The key is to understand that "it's not what happens to you that matters, it's how you choose to respond to it.
Most people don't understand just how powerful our minds are. Much like a computer, you can program your mind to think in whatever way you want. Good or bad. Pretty or Ugly. Nice or Mean. Let me give you an example. There could be two guys in the exact same city, with the exact same job, with the exact same lifestyle. One is unbelievably happy and the other couldn't be more miserable. How can this be? Because they have both programmed their minds to see things in a completely different manner. The question we all have to decide is which type of perspective we want to have in our own lives.
Your attitude determines and defines your level of success. If you generally have a cruddy attitude, you'll you'll generally have a cruddy day. Your attitude can be cultivated, you just have to have an open mind and a deisre to change it. Instead of looking at your failure as failure, look at it as a learning experience to grow and become better. Accept that failure is part of the process and all the greats use to do it too. Instead of being ticked off that you're stuck in traffic, be thankfkul that you have transportation and another day to become better on planet earth. Instead of spending your time thinking about what you don't have, spend more time thinking about what you do have. Instead of letting stress get the best of you, simpply do all that you can with all that you have and consistently ask yourself, "In 5 years or even 1 year from now, will this really even matter"? I can assure you that this little technique will do wonders! I bring these questions up to show that there is always a way to look at something in a postiive manner, no matter what the case may be.
Work hard. Continue to learn. Live by integrity. HAVE A POSITIVE/WINNING ATTITUDE EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY and I can almost guarantee you that true SUCCESSS and true FULFILLMENT will be yours!
This is what gives me happiness everyday and I hope that it can help you some too!
Comments (1)
What a great and motivational post, Justin. Thank you! It can be hard to maintain a good attitude when the busyness of investing wears you down... so investors should bookmark this post and come back to it to remind them.
Kent Clothier, almost 9 years ago