Dominate your Goals in Life!
Before you begin reading this article, I want you to ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow. Setting goals and having a road map laid out is a sure way to obtain true fulfillment in life, while at the same time, evolving into the person you want to become. My goal for this article is to have you become obsessed with getting the things that you want out of life. Otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being infatuated with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you desired. Our time on earth is limited, therefore I encourage each of you to do whatever is required so the ‘what ifs’ and remorse never occur later down the road. It is YOU vs. YOU! The question is, what will YOU decide to make out of this miraculous adventure we call life? You can have anything you want, as long as you’re willing to pay the price to get there.
The great Albert Einsten once quoted, “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to people or things.” As humans, we tend to get caught up in the little things in life that really just… don’t matter… draining all of our energy that could have been used elsewhere. A technique I have used when ‘hard times’ come my way is to immediately ask myself, “In a year from now, what will this mean to me, and will it really matter?” More times than not, the answer is of little importance and it enables me to get back on track, focusing on the things that do matter, like becoming the best real estate professional I can possibly be. Knowing what I want enables me to wake up excited to my alarm clock everyday knowing I get to put in the work to become closer to my goals and the individual I want to be.
1. Achieve More of What you Want
If you have proper goal set out for yourself (a goal that you are passionate about, that is thorough, realistic and stimulating,) then you will accomplish muchmorethan you would otherwise. When you have passion towards a goal, you will put forth extra effort to accomplish it. In other words, the bar is set a higher than what you would typically strive for. You are bound to achieve more knowing that the gratification will outweigh the hard times on your way to achieving your goals. Write your goals down, read them daily, and don’t settle for anything less out of life.
Having goals, especially big ones, allow you to get out of your comfort zone in life. It’s important to understand that the process of becoming a bad-ass (excuse my language) in life is extremely difficult, sometimes even painful, but you soon discover valuable truths about yourself and the world around you. Keep in mind that if it were easy to take control of your life and live in true abundance, EVERYBODY WOULD BE DOING IT! It’s not easy folks, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you will have certainty in your abilities to conquer what you’ve set forth to achieve. Don’t look for immediate gratification. Anybody can achieve that. Use the compound effect to your advantage and know deep down that each day you put in the work, you are becoming closer to achieving what you want in this lifetime. Don’t get frustrated, stay on course, and do all that you possibly can each day.
I will never forget the first time I listened to an audio tape by the great Jim Rohn called “The Art of Exceptional Living”, where my life and my mindset COMPLETELY changed, forever. Jim asked a simple question, why?
- Why pay the price? Why work this hard? Why go this far? Why try to learn this much? Why try to do it all? Why try to see it all? Why try to have it all? Why put yourself through the pain? Why try to take on this much responsibility? Why try to become all that you can possibly become? Why try to earn as much as you can earn? Share as much as you can share? Why?
For any goal in life, it is critical to understand WHY you are doing what you are doing. Without the why (aka the motivation factor), you will more than likely cut yourself short when times get hard, and trust me, on your way to the top, times WILL get hard. Instead of asking yourself why I want you to instead ask yourself... Why Not? Better yet, why not you? I’m a firm believer that if one man or woman can do it, so can you. They're not better than you, they merely knew what they wanted and spent the majority of their life working towards the BIG PICTURE. You can do the same. Be all that you possibly can be in this life and if you ever begin to doubt yourself or your path to success, ask yourself this simple question, why not me?
How exciting is it knowing that we can have all that we want out of life? It starts with writing down what you are after and, from there, spending the rest of your natural life working towards what truly matters to you. Whether it is being the best parent you can be, the best real estate agent on the planet, or simply the best friend you can be, you can achieve it all if you make up your mind, set out a road map, and work diligently and passionately each and everyday. Do not give up! Keep pushing! And like Zig Ziglar would say, “I’ll see you at the top.” I hope you absolutely crush your 2016!