What You Should Know About Investing In Real Estate Using a SDIRA
Tuesday, January 05
Investing in real estate via the SDIRA (Self- Directed IRA) after the collapse of the stock market in 2008 became the safe and lucrative option because real estate is tangible and properties were able to purchased at rock bottom prices. But like any investment you must perform the necessary due d...
Achieve Checkbook Control with a Self-Directed Solo K without an LLC
Tuesday, December 08
The self-directed IRA and 401k has become a very popular investment vehicle for achieving financial independence and growing their retirement account nest egg for many retirement account holders. There are countless investment options available to those seeking investment beyond your traditional ...
Real Estate Investment Options With Your Self Directed IRA
Thursday, December 03
Many are trying to determine whether to invest in real estate considering in some areas prices are stagnant or there is regional economic uncertainty that could affect their investment. As with ANY investment, perform your due diligence. Overall, the real estate market nationally has rebounded an...
Your Retirement Plan Can Be Used As Seed Capital For Your Business
Tuesday, November 24
Whereas banks are lending again after the collapse of the U.S. economy in 2008, many still face hurdles obtaining financing and/or investment capital for new and/or start up businesses which still stifles small business growth. Many banks and institutional lenders require the borrower meet the be...
What You Should Know About Investing In Real Estate Using a SDIRA
Tuesday, November 24
As a result of the volatility in the stock markets and the strict lending guidelines on the behalf of institutional lenders, purchasing real estate using a Self Directed IRA account is becoming a very popular option to invest in real estate. However, in order for this process to go as smoothly an...