New Investor's
So as a never investor myself I decided to write my first blog post on BP with the main focus pertaining to new real estate investors.
I wanted to start out by saying that if you're reading this blog as a new real estate investor and are frustrated because you can not find any great deals I understand where you are coming from.
My biggest piece of advice to you all is to keep on moving and shaking. I know its simple to just say something like that and not back it up with any information, but at the end of the day it comes down to how bad do you want to succeed in this business. If you think its going to be easy to come across a property to either buy/fix flip, buy to rent, or any other way you are looking to make money in real estate investing than you're highly mistaken.
"What I Have Learned So Far In This Business"
-You have to move very quickly
-Put together deals to where its a win win scenario, between you and the owner
-Align yourself around like minded people
-Continue learning and applying the information everyday
-Never give up