The beginning of my Real Estate Investor journey!
A good friend of mine told me about BP in August 2015. I came on the site, created an account and that was it for time being. He then became a member of REAPS, and then I joined REAPS a month later and attended my first meeting. After that first meeting, I was fired up to learn more about real estate investing. I then started listening to the podcast and right now I'm on number 13. As a newbie, I really didn't know how to use BP to create my network, but in the podcast...they encourage you to meet and greet and ask questions etc. I figured I'd use this Blog to help me stay focus and to help any other newbie's break the ice too by seeing their not alone. Updates to my Blog are currently undecided till I get a rhythm down with my education in what strategy of investing I choose to focus on, but I will at least update you within a month from now. I'm currently listening to the BP podcast once a day Monday-Friday. I've created some goals for my self and my "why". I'm feeling excited, nervous, scared, anxious....but of all I'm motivated and determined to get that first deal. I'm hoping to learn a couple strategies to put into action for the upcoming New Year. But for now, I'm just a sponge soaking up information. I would like to thank BP for an awesome website and podcast.
12/6/15 Update: In the past month, I've just continued to listen to the BP podcast on a daily basis, even if some of the topics are not inline with my real estate goals, I still listen to them to be in the "know", plus it helps to be exposed to the "lingo" of real estate. I've decided to focus learning about "wholesaling", and "lease options" (sandwich lease). Primary "wholesaling", driving for dollars just to get my feet wet by finding a deal and passing onto a investor. But first, I need to get more involve and make some time to be on BP website, introduce my self and be seen. The Holiday season is here, so my goals for December is to set goals for a plan of action for January 2016.
01/19/16 Update: Happy 2016. I am currently reading "The 4 hour work week", been hearing it all the time on the BP podcast, very interesting book. My goal this month is to log on to BP atleast 2-3 times a week and read posts and threads inline with my investing interests. I'm still new to the website, so it will be some time to learn the ropes. But I'm really happy to be part of this network.
02/04/16 Update: Just got back from my local REAPS meeting, today's topic was all about creative financing and solving the seller's needs for a Profit. This month's goals are focus on knowing my local Real Estate market, and getting some business cards, also possibly a PO Box. In the mean time, I'm still reading the 4 hour work week book, and listening to BP Podcast's, and researching "wholesale" threads and taking notes off the BP website. Going to be saving up to upgrade to Pro hopefully before April 2016. Another goal this month will be to leave a "comment" in I-Tunes for the BP Podcasts.