What "CAN" I do today?: productive step towards my dreams
Every day i wake up and say, "What CAN I do today? I keep a notebook as this is a visual reminder to take action. Then i check it off so i can look back at end of day and see that I DID something towards that dream. I didn't waste today.
This list is ONLY of those things that I "CAN" physically do today. Steps I "can" take towards my dream. So instead of feeling overwhelmed or just not taking any action, ask yourself this question; think; and then write in a notebook; and DO, take action.
Below is my list by idea/dream of what i can "DO" to reach my dreams, so instead of sitting idly by with my days and/or weeks going by and i do nothing.
Seed=action, for me to grow my garden I have to take action and do something... anything.
- clean up space (make room);
- weed (out bad ideas that are crowding out dream from growing);
- plant seed(some action) do something that is productive to care for this garden.
I have three dreams in the garden i am trying to grow.
Dream #1 my 5 ac 4 cabin unit- what can i do today? Land I own outright
- -talk to code officer and find out any and all road blocks or open doors of land use and building.
- -go to State program SCORE learn what they have to offer me and any knowledge I can gain; get a mentor that can help me set up the LLC business and start taxes for 2014
- -go to SBA and talk to somebody. (i have sent a request online and haven’t heard from anybody) so i will make a personal visit and gain some info to see what they can offer me and teach me.
GOAL: learn what i need to do to set up business as an LLC and if I can get funding for the land through any of these programs, at any rate these programs can point me in another productive direction or agency that will be more helpful
DREAM#2 my $25, 000 NEED to purchase business land for wild food business
What CAN I do today?....
- -SBA and SCORE also will benefit this dream
- -I "could" ask a relative for a loan of this amount, secured with the land?
- -I will read some more today on BiggerPockets about alternative financing and raising capital
- work on business plan
DREAM #3 my farmland purchase organic business idea
- -SBA and SCORE will also give me some knowledge into this
- -research farm land loan options in Maine
- work on business plan
- -already talked to my son- he is in as a partner. check, done, did=action : ground tilled
My biggest NEED today is...
Learn more in financing my ideas.
Comments (1)
saw code officer; ck
went to Venture one; SBA: IRS (needed info gained) ck
found a potential mortgage! yeh thats great to know- note: will set up apt for first of week to see if and what qualify for
did some projected income for business plan
read some on here biggerpockets
NOTE i did not check on farm loans- but have a great apointment for Wensday with lots of programs under one roof- for doing Maine buisness along with financers. :D
I FEEL rather accomplished today. Very productive.
Annette A., over 9 years ago