Action Makes Millionaires
This article was taken from a book a wrote some 8 years ago. It is long, but the content is still valuable in my opinion. Enjoy.
Let’s think about the title of this for a moment. There are thousands of people out there who are searching far and wide for that one get rich quick system that will unlock the key to the vault. How many times have you paid 50, 100, 500 or more dollars in search of that one program that will take you out of that 9 to 5? We read or hear a great sells pitch, and the blood starts to run through our vanes at 100mph. We feel like this will be the one thing that puts you over the top. You have the plan all in your head as to how the whole thing will play out. You will buy that course. Once it arrives at your house you will read it from cover to cover Right? You will listen to all the tapes or cds, Right? You will watch all the videos, Right? You will subscribe to the newsletter and use all the tools that are available to you to increase your odds of success, Right? You will commit 2 hours a day, making sure you give a 150% effort to making that program work during that time, Right? No way you’re going to let that information go to waste, Right? No way you’re going to feel like you wasted your money on a product that you won’t use Right?? You have informed all the people that are closest to you about your new business, and would love to have their support or feedback, Right? Here is a simple fact for you.Less than 5% of 3000 real estate investors in the metro Atlanta area have given a 100% effort to their real estate business since they began in the business. To be honest the amount of effort required to do a deal that will net you good money doesn’t even require a 30% effort. It is the actions that make people rich no matter what business they are in or what wealth building program they are following. For the most part the one single element that separates self made millionaires from the rest of the world is the ACTION!!!
When was the last time you put a 150% effort into a money making idea? Most people spend more time complaining about there current financial situation than they do taking steps toward changing it. Most people will order every program out there that teaches people how to become financially independent, go through it, take in the knowledge, and put it on bookcase to collect dust. Some people feel comfortable having the knowledge that could make them rich. They will most likely never take steps to become rich. They are what I call information collectors. (I was one) They have all the information but lack the discipline and commitment to put it to use. Some of the most well versed, and educated people in the world would not make a dime if they were fired from there jobs tomorrow. They would go out there immediately and search for another job no matter how much information they have read about making money from an entrepreneurial standpoint. The thought of being responsible for their own financial success is unrealistic to them. I know people who didn’t even graduate from High School, make six figures a year, and couldn’t beat a 10 year old in a game of checkers, but know how to do marketing to drive in costumers for their product or service. They don’t have any more luck than any other person in the world. They just take the steps necessary to bring money their way. They take ACTION!!
The best salespeople in the world didn’t get that title because they know more than everyone else, or have a great smile, or say some magic words to a client that makes them sign on the dotted line. The thing that makes them great is what they do before the sales takes place. The actions they take. How did that client get on the phone with the salesperson? How did they end up at the office? How did they come into the salespersons life? What did that salesperson do to make these things happen? Throughout this reading you will hear me make reference to the taking action many times. The reason for this is simple. Nothing will ever get accomplished if you don’t take the steps necessary to get it accomplished. You will never get to that pot of gold if you don’t start walking toward it. You would not have your job if you didn’t get up and go to it everyday. You wouldn’t have food in your house if you didn’t go to the grocery store and purchase it. Why would you think that becoming a millionaire is any different? Every day should be preplanned for your next step to success. Monday could be running an ad in a newspaper, sending out some postcard, mailing out 100 letters, putting out 100 flyers, sending out 100 emails etc and making a list of questions you will ask the owners if they contact you. Tuesday could be contacting hard money lenders and letting them know that you just did a marketing campaign and will be in the need of some funds in the near future. Wednesday could be making 20 offers on houses whether or not your campaigns brought any leads or not. Get the paper, go online, and call For Sale by Owners. Just make the 20 offers. These are Actions!! It doesn’t matter if they produce results or not. You will make progress even if you turn out to be a miserable failure. You know why? Here is the answer. A great success is nothing more than a collection of failures. That is how things are accomplished. You will never do everything perfect the first time. You have to do things until you get them right. That is the secret. That is what most people don’t understand. You shouldn’t be afraid of taking action for fear of failure. You should embrace failure and say to yourself, “Well I don’t have to worry about making that mistake again.”And get on with it. Just continue to make progress. This is the way. This will bring you more knowledge than any book or course could teach you.
I hope this gives a push to whoever needs to hear it..
Good luck.
Rob R.
Comments (2)
Rob you could not hve said it better. Thanks Don
Don Alberts, over 9 years ago
Great read! Thanks for sharing.
Tomiyo Williams, over 9 years ago