Hard Money Facts of Life for Real Estate Investors
Sunday, August 07
With virtually anyone being able to claim they are a hard money or private money lender, how do you determine if you’re dealing with a scam or a legitimate lender? This analysis will help you quickly qualify a potential lender.a) References are the number one key to qualifying lenders, contracto...
How I Apply US Army Values To My Real Estate Business Daily
Sunday, December 27
How I Apply US Army Values To My Real Estate Business Daily (And How You Can Too, Regardless Of Your Industry!)Companies and individuals have to figure out on the front end what values they are going to uphold. Values are the guiding light that a brand is founded upon and helps the customer diff...
Possible Options To Provide to Distressed Sellers
Wednesday, December 09
When dealing with sellers of distressed properties, there are many options the seller can consider. It is up to us, as real estate investors, to provide them with options in an ethical and moral way so that they understand what they can do with their house besides accepting a “cash as-is offer”....
The Secret Key to Real Estate (Or Any Other Business!)
Tuesday, December 01
I was recently asked to speak at a local real estate investing event and that got me thinking about a topic that I haven’t really touched on yet. There are many technical skills in real estate investing that cannot be learned overnight, despite what some gurus would have you believe. I will con...
Saturday, November 21
WHY SHOULD I GET QUALIFIED FOR HARD MONEY AS A BUYER?Imagine for a moment that you have saved $50k of your hard-earned money and you’re trying to put it to work with property in Houston. You begin looking at listings and then finally, after hours of analysis, you come across a gem of a deal with...
Why Real Estate?
Tuesday, November 03
First of all, why the heck should you be listening to me? I work as a small business owner, landlord, property manager, professional wholesaler, and a licensed real estate agent in Houston, TX. I’ve been studying the different aspects of real estate off and on for over a decade. The first cour...