420 N Main
16NOV15 -
Placed an offer on this home that is just down the block from my 211 N Second house. Offered 5k down with financing over 15 yrs at 4%. It is a 3/2. The front of the home is not appealing to the eye, but the back of the house is very nice. There is a huge porch and a nice yard with a stream on the side of it. Although it backs up to a railroad and a main highway to the front of the home I believe it can draw a good renter.
Owner rejected first offer with a firm counter offer stating "NO FURTHER NEGOTIATIONS." So of course I shot back another offer because his counter was ridiculous. It's been on the market for several months and has been dropped twice since it was first put up. It's been three months since the last drop so it's ready to come down again. I came back with a 5k upfront then another 5k next year, with financing at 4% over 10 years and he would also receive 10% of the rent I get for the first five years. It's a real good deal and it meets both of our offers in the middle. Let's see what they say.
Owner has accepted the terms that I came up with, but kept the sale price at the listed amount. Which is very high. I'm going to wait a few weeks to see if I can get him to come down on this. Plus I have his personal email now and we've been in communications about the last house I bought from him.