[Weird Fact] Why You Should STOP Brushing Your Teeth
I didn't think it was true either when I first heard it...
goes against the "norm"...
What everyone else knows to be true. What we all learn day in and day out..
Brush your teeth 3 times a day. The most important thing you can do for the best dental hygiene.
Saw a study that surveyed actual dentist and they were posed with the question...
"If you could only do ONE the rest of your life, what would you choose: Flossing or Brushing your teeth?"
The overwhelming majority... like.. .it was not even close... chose flossing over brushing.
If flossing is 1000x's more important that brushing, why is it that brushing is what we are taught to follow as the most important thing to do?
Isn't that how it always is? There is a quote by one of my favorite people, Mark Twain
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
Translation: Whenever you find yourself doing what everybody else is doing... it is time for a change.
Sometimes you are doing what you THINK is important because that is what you know.
I want to pose a challenge to you...
If you could only get ONE thing done today for your business... say time was not a luxury you had and in order to do the absolute most productive thing, you had to choose ONE sigular task you could get done today... what would you choose?
What would have the biggest impact?
What would get you closer to your goals?
What would you be proud to say you got done?
What would change your life?
What would increase your income?
What would make you smile at the end of the day?
What would make you proud?
What ONE thing would you do that you feel is a MUST?
Do me a favor....
DO THAT today.....
P. James "wears beach floss because that counts too" Holland
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