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Posted about 1 year ago

What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There

I recently attended the Limitless Expo put on by Tarl Yarber and Ken McElroy. To date, it is one of the best events I have attended. To say the speakers were some of the best speakers I have heard at an event is an understatement. Further, the entire event production from the networking to the VIP was extraordinary!

Since I was one of the speakers at the event, I marketed the event pretty heavily on my social media channels, often talking to people on why they should attend the event. It surprised me how many people wanted to achieve what these speakers have achieved, but for one reason or another did not want to pay to attend the event. Unlike when I started in real estate, there is an abundance of free information available everywhere you turn. From podcasts to meet-ups to even youtube videos. That being said, I personally believe attending an excellent in-person event cannot be outdone by the alternative.

Why, you ask. Simply put, networking. There is a reason why the top performers still attend these events, and no it is not just to speak. The reason is because these top performers are listening more than they are speaking. They listen to the other speakers, but most importantly they listen when they network. For me personally, I was able to connect with AJ Osborne on some Ai integration that we are both incorporating into our business, with Rich Fettke on author logistics, with Kathy Fettke on couples business retreats, with Serena Norris, Nate Robbins, Tarl Yarber on running events, with Gabriel Hamel on triple-net investments, with Ashley Kehr on property management integration and so much more.

See the difference between these top performers and the people who opt not to attend events is top performers bet on themselves. They are intentional about what they want out of an event. They act on those intentions because they realize what got them here, is not going to get them there. Ultimately, they realize that a $500, $1,000, or $5,000 or more event pays out in dividends if they stay disciplined about their intentions and actions.

And do you know how I know this to be true? First, because I have experienced it every single time I have attended a conference. From getting investors at events, to students for our Apartment Addicts coaching program, to implementing game changing operational strategies in our business, to learning amazing tax strategies, to (which is probably the highest value) building a network of individuals that I can call whenever I have any difficult question. Second, because success leaves clues. Next time you go to an event, look at what the speakers are doing. They don’t just speak and leave the event. They sit in the audience listening to other speakers, feverishly taking notes. They network between sessions. They find a group of people to go to dinner with to talk shop into the wee hours of the night. They do this, because they realize the value of networking every single minute at an event.

As someone who has learned and gained so much value out of so many events, I (along with my partner J Scott) wanted to create an event that changed people’s lives for the better. Historically, we have only held this event for our Apartment Addicts’ students, but this year, for the first time ever, we are opening up our event to the public. On September 28-29th in Houston, TX we are hosting a two-day multifamily summit and property tour. If you have ever wanted to buy apartments, or already own some but want to learn more about finding, funding and running apartments this event is for you.

It goes without being said, but I will say it anyway, the content is going to be amazing. We have an incredible line-up of speakers who have a tremendous track record and are the most giving people with their information in the industry. In other words, the information is top notch and we can guarantee you will walk away with knowledge and inspiration that will take you to the next level!

If this is something you have truly wanted to do, bet on yourself and take action. Learn from the best, mingle with Apartment Addict students who have achieved success at finding properties, raising money and successfully running apartments, even leaving their W2 due to their success, get your questions answered by industry experts, and most importantly have fun taking control of your life!

Through June 30th, get an early bird ticket at the lowest price we will offer! This applies to both GA and VIP. And if you got this far in my newsletter article today, here is an additional 10% off code with BadAsh10 at checkout.

I really hope to meet you there and watch you take your life to the next level!!
