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Posted over 7 years ago

The Flipping Triangle

In the past several weeks, I have connected with several people via Bigger Pockets. During all of these calls, I found it interesting that everyone asked me the same one question: what is your biggest stumbling block right now? Before I answer this question, I want to write about what I feel are the components that make up flipping.

I look at the flipping business as a triangle. The three components that make up this triangle are: inventory, your team, and financing. Inventory is the house. Your team includes all members who you work with to do business (your subs, real estate agent(s), tax accountant, insurance broker, etc). Financing is the amount of funding you have to execute deals.

So, let’s revisit the original question: what is your biggest stumbling block right now? A little over two years, I would have said our team. A little over a year ago, I would have said inventory. Six months ago, I would have said financing. Today, I would say a little bit of inventory, and a little bit our team. But my final answer is this….everyday it changes, and I think that is a GREAT thing! The greatest outcome of growth is facing new problems. Being able to overcome the next set of problems leads to further growth, and new problems.

In closing, if you feel that you keep revisiting problems that you thought you resolved, do not be discouraged. In my experience, it is usually a good indication of growth!  
