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Posted about 8 years ago

Open letter to BP Community

Nine months ago, I received a Colleague Request in my BiggerPocket account. It was from a gentlemen named Percy, who lives close to me. I had only been on BiggerPockets for a short time, and I honestly was skeptical of someone reaching out to me. But, boy was I wrong!

It was not too long after that initial contact that Percy and I began speaking fairly regularly. We began sharing contacts and leads. Most recently we met for lunch to speak face-to-face about potential partnership opportunities.

I am really excited to see what the future has in store for us, and I owe it all to BiggerPockets. Sometimes it’s hard to believe there are still some really good people out there, who are willing to help you without requesting anything in return. Percy is one of those people. Without the BiggerPockets community, I don’t know if I ever would have made the connection.

For anyone who is just reading the forums, and listening to the podcasts, please take this example as one of the many reasons to get more involved. Start commenting on posts. Start requesting colleagues. And, start helping others. Let’s keep the good vibes going!

Comments (10)

  1. @Ashley Wilson This was so encouraging!  I've been hoping that I can find contacts like you have through BP.  I don't feel like I know many people in real estate so this is good news.

    1. @Jonathan Lehman it's surprising how quickly your network will grow.  As soon as you start talking to people (which you should do often) you will see that most of your resources are most likely just one contact away from you! 

  2. Good Stuff!! I've been on BP for about 5 months now & I agree, you can make some great contacts & most of the people are genuine. 

    1. @Bob Mastroianni Welcome and glad you are finding connections already! Wishing you Best of Luck!

  3. Same with me. I just got started haven't made any deals yet but like Juan I  trying to get all the homework done and reading all I can and listening to webinars of other investors.

    1. @Sanford Short knowledge is power! Sometimes it can be easy to be bogged down in the research and become prohibitory to jumping in and getting your feet wet. Always remember, nothing replaces first hand knowledge! Best of luck to you!!

  4. Glad I read this. New to this site and haven't even made my first deal, but definitely been doing my homework, seminars, and more. Makes me feel a little more optimistic.

    1. @Juan Chapa Congratulations! Just keeping reaching out to people and making connections! You never know from where the next opportunity might come!  

  5. BP is a great place to start 

    1. Couldn't agree more @Josh Caldwell!