An Attitude of Gratitude
“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you?” -William A. Ward
Please indulge my non-real estate focused post today!
I really do strive to maintain an attitude of gratitude on a daily basis, but you know what? Sometimes I fall short and forget to be thankful over the little things as well as the big things. The truth is that I have so much to be thankful for and while it may seem cliché to do this on Thanksgiving, I’m going to write about it anyway. It’s by no means an all-inclusive list, but its what is on my heart at this very moment, so here goes…
I’m so very thankful for…
Life. The fact that I woke up this morning is a miracle in and of itself. Not everyone had that privilege today.
God’s love. It’s truly hard to comprehend how vast and amazing that love is. The fact that God loves me, hears my prayers, and blesses me spiritually, financially, and physically on a continuous basis. That’s so indescribably awesome.
Strong Relationships. 10 wonderful years of marriage with my best friend & husband Phil, a great relationship with my parents and two sisters, and an ever-expanding circle of absolutely amazing and like-minded friends.
My Children. Two sweet girls who teach me as much as I teach them (plus I have 3 great little godsons!).
Freedom. Freedom to be myself. Freedom to serve and openly praise an awesome God. Freedom to build businesses and prosper financially with others. Freedom to live without fear (this was much harder for my ancestors!).
Peace of Mind. This is so underrated, but so incredibly important to me! I have a roof over my head, my household is a peaceful one, I’m gaining more clarity on God’s plan and purpose for my life….I can’t and won’t complain.
One last thing….I read something for the first time ever today that I found really interesting — Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation that established Thanksgiving Day in the United States in 1863. I encourage you to take a couple minutes to read it if for no other reason than learning a little more American History
Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” – Brian Tracy