7 Sure-Fire Signs that your Seller is NOT Motivated!
Not only do I use the internet for my real estate investing business, but I also use old-fashioned direct mail! More on that later, but if done effectively you can really stand out in the crowd right now while everyone else is competing on REO deals on the MLS.
But anyway....sometimes I really have a rough night when talking to sellers. What you're about to read is a blog post I wrote a couple months ago on one of these nights. You may mostly find it funny, but you also may learn something or find it motivating to know others go through it but you can still (and should) persevere :-)
Ouch. It’s been a rough night with sellers. Rather than write a book about it on the blog, I thought I’d simply share these useful insights.
Consider this “Fun calls with sellers…Vol. 3″
Shae presents to you….
(Drumroll please….)
7 SURE-FIRE signs that your seller isn’t really motivated:
#7: You ask why she is looking to sell and she says “Well, I don’t know that I am. I haven’t really thought about it. Depends on what you’re offering.”
#6: He leaves a message on your voicemail that says “I will sell for the right price.”
#5: You ask him if there is a current mortgage on the property and he says “That’s none of your damn business!”
#4: The seller presses you to give him information on the comparable sales in the area and when you tell him he says “There’s NO WAY IN HELL that I would sell my home for ANYWHERE NEAR THAT!” (Note: I’m fully aware that all caps means I’m shouting)
#3: You ask the seller a couple simple questions about the condition of the property and she gives up a 5 minute gushing monologue about all the work she has put into it and how she lived there for years and has always taken the best care of it….oh and how its so much nicer than all the other homes on the block…and so on…and so on…and so forth.
#2: You ask how much the home is currently renting for and she says “I’m not telling you that! That’s my business!”
and of course….obviously…the #1 sure-fire sign that your seller isn’t really motivated:
She calls you just to say “I’m not interested in selling. Do NOT contact me anymore!”
Well there you have it folks. I hope we have all learned something tonight.
It was a rough night, but I’m back at it tomorrow. I will not be stopped!
Comments (5)
Hey Susan, thanks for commenting! Yes, you really do have to remain faithful in this business or any other. You just have to KNOW that you're successful no matter what. Oh and you're right...the South Florida area has developed quite a bit over the years!
Shae Bynes, over 15 years ago
Shae, Now thats the Spirit. I've heard ALL those myself! Yeah, they test your Faith! Make you wonder where on Earth do these folks come from(?) LOL AAH, good 'ol Fort Lauderdale! I used to play there! Lived in Palm Beach, and St. Augustine. I remember when Juno and Jupiter beaches were just sand! How RE changes everything once developed!
Susan McCormick, over 15 years ago
You could say that #1 is just a sign that they aren't completely sure what they want, can't you? KIDDING! Yep - that says it all!
Joshua Dorkin, over 15 years ago
LOL! Exactly Robert! Happens all of the time.
Shae Bynes, over 15 years ago
That #3 is on point...That must be the Seller's anthem....Then you ask them what would they do to put the house in A1 condition they say ''HONESTLY" nothing then when YOU get there they have 20K worthy of repairs..
Robert Pickett, over 15 years ago