Need to be a risk taker
By no means, I am no where near I consider myself as a rick taker. In fact, I think of myself as a coward by definition, someone who's afraid to start something new because of the unknowns. I have this little voice always inside of me telling me what if this doesn't work, this doesn't sell, this have problem, etc. This voice have kept me away from taking a lot of risks in the past. I know I know. It's only in my head but it's also my personality too. How can I overcome this fear and erase this little voice inside of me? Don't get me wrong, I do have a decent career and making a decent salary being a software engineer in the banking industry out of NYC. But I really want to do something with my life and own an establishment of some sort, something that I can call my own and maybe possibly pass it down to my kids. But being who I am, a none risk taker, I need to force myself harder to go over that hump to take that risk to start investing in real estate. I guess joining BP couple of days ago is a right step of this long journey. I am going to need all the help I can get and understand this business to start. Wish me luck!