Wholesaling 20 Deals in the 4 Quarter of 2015
Currently, I have been wholesaling real estate in Atlanta Ga for the last 3 years and fulltime for the last 2 years. It has been an adventure building buyers list finding properties, getting contracts, and just plain old expanding the knowledge I have in Real Estate. I took a few weeks off this summer and moved into my own place. Just to be transparent about my situation I was basically homeless. I got into real estate to better myself and build my income up to get my own place well that happened this summer and wow what a change.
It took some adjusting and now I have decided to do something I have not done before which is to close 20 deals in 3 months. I currently have 3 under contract with sellers and got buyers contracted for 2 to close in October. I have been building a mailout list and will begin a mail out campaign of 3000 pieces to be done for the next 90 Days.
Will keep you posted as to the progress