Data Driven or Theme Driven Investing
Friday, November 20
The Serenity Prayer of Reinhold Niebuhr, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as He did, ...
Landmark Victory for Privacy, Home Owners, and the Constitution!
Wednesday, November 18
Landlords scored a victory last month in the State of Ohio. The decision Baker v. City of Portsmouth is a landmark victory for property ownership rights and the fourth amendment. Municipalities all over this country are forcing themselves into our homes with threats such as: "you cannot rent your...
Reviews Can Go Both Ways
Thursday, November 12
Imagine you had a tough day at the office and went out to eat with your significant other, your significant other was in a bad mood too, you fought during the dinner, everything was bothering you and it showed. You tipped average, you were a pain for the staff, and nobody really wanted you to com...
Frauds and who they target
Sunday, November 08
Interesting article in the New York Times about "Real Estate Shell Companies Scheme to Defraud Owners Out of Their Homes". The story details Shell Companies that target desperate, poor sellers in neighborhoods in Brooklyn that are experiencing change through gentrification. The story argues "comi...
Scaling Your Business Being Consistent
Wednesday, November 04
I used to work right by Madison Square Garden. All year round there would be a line outside 31st street for a soup kitchen. For Seinfeld fans, think the "Soup Nazi". Amazing food. You would get in the warm soup kitchen finally but if you didn't know what you wanted, you were immediately skipped, ...
Decisiveness and Diversification
Friday, October 30
"After studying over 500 millionaires, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Charles M. Schwab, journalist and author Napoleon Hill found that they shared a single quality: Decisiveness," writes Kathleen Elkins of Business Insider in the article Rich People are Decisive. Some of the other ha...