Where is my mentor?? And why is he younger than I am?
Wednesday, April 13
The eternal question for budding entrepreneurs and savvy people in general. Where is my mentor? How do I find him or her? Why or how on earth could he or she be younger than me? For anyone venturing out into a new field there are a few things you should have in your backpack to cut the learnin...
Fear, Discouragement, and motivation
Saturday, October 24
Since the last time I wrote I was working on getting into my first REI deal. As I may have stated before I am focused on becoming a really good buy and hold investor. I am looking into the Turner method of house hacking as my initial strategy. Finding deals is still a little bit of a challenge...
Staying on the grind
Sunday, October 04
Hello again!Hope life is treating you the way you want to be treated. Getting what you deserve is sometimes under rated and that is something I would like to address with you today. For the last few weeks I have been putting in overtime. I took a small "break" from work and everything else (ev...
From my sudo-mentor, the good life
Wednesday, September 09
Want to say hello to everyone and introduce myself a bit as well as leave you with some inspiration. Just getting started here since May and learning the ropes of REI and investing in general. I aspire to have my portfolio off the ground and running in order to match my retirement pay I will be...