Let's Get It Started!! (With compliments due to the Black Eyed Peas)
Hello Bigger Pockets community, my name is Corey (that's right, with Corey with an -ey because we are that much more amazing than Cory with just the -y). This is my first entry in what I hope will be an excited trip through my real estate investing career. I've been interested in real estate investing even since I was 20. I'm 34 now so 14 years is a long time to not act on my interests. Why now? Well, I'm going through a divorce and I feel this is my time to do what I've always dreamed of doing, in all aspects of my life. So here I am, getting into real estate investing!!
To be honest, I'm nervous. While I do think I know where to start, I don't know where to start!! Crazy right?!? What I can say is, I've done more now to educate and push myself in these past 3-4 weeks than I have in those 14 years. I've walked, drove, danced, back-flipped through my neighborhood looking at properties. I've reached out to my local REIA and other real estate meetings to network and gain knowledge, and of course, I've read countless articles and blogs on this site. My biggest fear is that I'm too late to start investing (I know its sounds silly). I live in Washington DC, quite the expensive town, so I definitely have concerns if I, with no funds, can find a good deal in this city.
To counter my "paralysis of analysis", I'm planning on actively seeking out a mentor and seeing what I can do to help them out, whether that means trailing them on deals, taking care of details that they may not have the time to complete or rolling up my sleeves and putting in some housework (Now I've never really done any of that, I can fix a toilet and that's about it).
Bottom line, I'm about DOING something now about investing. I've seen countless examples on here about people in my same position, making deals and reaching their goals. I want to the next one!! My next post will give you guys an update and what I've accomplished. I hope this blog will not only be entertaining and informative to the community, but also serve as a written account of my activity to keep me accountable for my goals and aspirations.
Until next time......
Comments (2)
Thanks for the kind words Al. I'm looking forward to jump starting this in the right direction!
Corey M., over 9 years ago
Right on Corey!
The magic happens when you start moving towards your goal.
Your mindset sounds good. Kick down doors to make things happen, and guess what, people will notice and you'll start a virtuous spiral in motion.
I'm cheering for you!
Al Williamson, over 9 years ago