201 Center St, San Rafael CA- a long flip
Our first acquisition was a foreclosed property in the Forbes district of San Rafael CA. It was 4 BR/2BA, built in the early 20's. We bought this property via online auction in Sept 2014. The auction was held in July 2014, we originally lost the auction. We were the 3rd highest bidder, and we still eventually won the deal. Long story short- we hired an architect to design a 4 BR/3BA, hired a designer, GC, etc., and sold the property before finishing construction. Construction is still not finished. Should be complete in the next 2 months.
Instead of a long winded write up on the deal, I decided to post timeline photo's. Comments and questions are more than welcome.
Here's a pic of the front of the house when we bought it-
Here is the Zillow listing.
More pictures coming!