What this blog is...
The purpose if this blog is to document my actions, both smart and not so smart, on my journey to becoming a successful real estate investor. I see this blog as a tool to maintain accountability to myself because if I'm not posting what I'm doing in my blog...that means I'm not doing anything. I'll be able to document what worked and what didn't work, who I talked to and what did they say, knowledge I gain the easy way and knowledge I gain the hard way. Why is this blog called "Life In The Slow Lane" you ask, the reason is 2 fold. First off, I drive really slow, speed limit slow, it drives my wife bananas. The second is the full tittle of this blog was supposed to be "Life in the slow lane, my planned, methodical and carefully thought out journey to financial freedom through real estate investing" but there wasn't enough room. The reason I wanted that entire tittle was to remind myself that this is not a sprint, a get rich quick plan or by any means anything short hard work. I need to be patient, calculated, and patient again, so I can feel confident about pulling the trigger and buying when that deal hits my desk. Thanks for reading and hopefully in the years to come I'll be able to read these posts and reflect on how completely clueless I was but was thankfully to dumb to realize it! Cheers!