Business Mileage...How to track it
Monday, July 18
What Qualifies as Business Mileage and how do I track it? Most new and seasoned business owners have questions in determining what actually qualifies as business mileage. It is important to make sure you understand the rules of tracking mileage as the IRS views mileage as low hanging fruit during...
Tax Tracking Tune Ups for Real Estate Investors
Tuesday, July 28
Ive seen this time of year continually be a time where we get in a "vacation mode" One of the areas to not get in a vacation mode in is your tax tracking and record keeping. One of the areas that most people forget to check during the summer is their record keeping. Most new and seasoned business...
New to Real Estate....Tax Tips for The Beginner
Tuesday, July 21
As your business starts out there will be a lot of questions. Some of those revolve around financing, contracts, market specs, etc. Theres one dreaded area that a lot of RE investors push to the back of their minds....Taxes. Lets face it, most people hate taxes. As an investor taxes should consta...