Timeline, Experience and Hard Lessons learned
I began my journey of Real Estate investing last May and came across a some success and many failures. Failures are always difficult to take in however the lesson you learn from them are outstanding and are memorable. Plus they add value to what to you do and make your successes that much more sweeter.
When I began my journey I was looking for someone or something to teach me the ropes. My sister told me about this website and I decided to give it a shot. There were some blogs talked about the investing programs that were around such as Renatus being a popular one. But it was so expensive and I didn't know about there affiliate program at the time so I searched for a close alternative. That was when I came across FreedomMentor. I was so excited that my naivety got the best of me. I followed their steps precisely and came across a man who wanted to sell 15 properties out in the town of Rayne but when I went to look at the properties only two houses and the land he had were good enough to sell. With that man though, that was the beginning of one nightmare. As for FM, in the end it was not worth it and I ended losing money rather than gain that and experience. On top that, there were certain features that were made available that the owner denied and I personally would not recommend it to anyone who lives in a market that has potential but is tough to handle. Also of things these programs teach you can find here, or Google, and like almost every other subject you might find it YouTube. I spent even more money creating an LLC in the hopes that I can perhaps get some funding to do investing and placed myself in more of a hole. Most people can say what they want, but when you're in a situation where everyone around you has no money and you have to make your own, your are a descendant of naturalized citizens, and you work for days on end for under $11 an hour but you have a dream then come back to me. However with everything I learn, I inform friends and my younger family members to make smarter decisions. In March of this year I had to leave my job due to unforeseen circumstances and rely on my Post 9/11 GI Bill to keep afloat and decided to use that money to invest in my Louisiana Real Estate. After studying for two months taking my test prior to my university's finals week and a major Clarinet jury that following Monday, I didn't pass the exam. My funds dwindled slowly but surely yet somehow I remained hopeful. Everything hinged on me passing that exams and I studied 10 hours a day. We had a two week and I am a Sergeant in the Louisiana National Guard and with every break, during lunch, and sometimes one to two hours after lights out (with my cellphone as my flashlight), this was priority to me. My unit knows that they are important to me too and they were very supportive and were amazed at my dedication and versatility to get everything done. July 3, 2015 is when I retook the exam and only passed the National portion. One of two is better than zero and I can test in other state if I wanted too. But again I barely have anything. Luckily a check came in the mail for my mother, a deposit from the housing neighborhood we used to live at in the Northside of Lafayette. It was enough money to take the exam one more time cause I have no job, Louisiana is difficult when it comes to unemployment checks, and drill for the National Guard is next weekend and I have rent to worry about if I have to retake the state portion the fourth time. After studying day in and day out, walks around the blocks of Lafayette at 1, 2, and even 3 am and studying 56 subjects in 5 days I retook my exam yesterday. Like the last time, I was nervous that I thought I was going to die or pass out and shook for half the test. And it completing it and seeing that I passed meant I was right about something I realized that morning. That now it is the beginning of the rest of my life :)
Now that I am licensed, I am going to be a Keller-Williams Salesperson. I want to make at least $25k before I invest and reinvent my business "Reign Estates LLC." and help my sister with business "Miss Liz's Beauty" in Miami, FL. I love my younger sister and brother, and have looked after them all their lives. Plus each of us want to build our own empire and live the dreams my parents wanted for us that they feel have long past them. This is our time and this is my time.
I know I am still a newbie myself but here are some thing I learned that I would like to pass
*It is good to invest in your education, however the knowledge you seek is everflowing around you.
Again you can come here, or Google/Bing/Yahoo everything want to know. The program have outlines of what you need to now but everyone's goals are different. With being said you can learn from different areas of investing that can contribute to gaps of info you may need and it can answer some questions that may just baffle you.
*Make sure you have enough money to last a couple of months. @BrandonTurner
I didn't realize until I started my attempt to invest how much it would cost. With the program I had purchased, I had already lost a lot of money that could have helped my later on down the line. Plus these programs make it seem that you can succeed and with results guaranteed no matter where you are in the country but don't forget, disclaim that results vary. And again, where I live at in Louisiana, the local and state market is a complete different beast than anywhere else I know. At one point last year, NO ONE (literally) was investing in this state. At the BiggerPockets webinar this past Thursday, Mr.Brandon stated this and I smacked my hand onto my head, this was something I wish someone told me. That's why becoming a Real Estate agent became a top priority for me. I now know the state laws, I can sell the houses I will flip or rent them out, and I make commission and use what I make to live off of and invest with little to no repercussion.