From Shiny Objects to World Domination
Being creative and seeing potential in nearly every project or idea. It's easy to lose focus on your goals. It's classic shiny object syndrome. For many entrepreneurs and investors the internet has compounded this problem like never imagined before. Some call it browser blackout. You know how it goes. You log in to get information on installing a bath tub faucet and the next thing you know it's 3 hours later and you're watching cats play the piano.
I'm one of those people. Creative, impatient, and easily distracted. Early in life I could express that through music. But as life grew on, marriage, children, and material pursuits began to demand a more consistent means. And as always, creative expression took a backseat. That is, until I found real estate.
If you've been thinking about real estate for any amount of time at all you've undoubtedly noticed there's seemingly endless books, blogs, and gurus sharing their insights and strategies on the best practices for being successful. Most proclaiming their niche will lead you straight to world domination. While there are an equal amount of opinions about these "programs", the mountains of information on the subject proved to be the key to my shiny object issues, and I have no doubt it will lead to my world domination. Regardless of the fact that I began reading on tenant screenings. The fact that I ended up learning about creative finance, or the benefits of having a real estate license, I'm still adding value to my life.
So how can we make this work for us? How does distraction become a benefit? By learning as many strategies as we can. And even more importantly. How those strategies work together. But don't forget to take action. All the research and strategy in the world is just shiny objects. But with action. It's world domination!
My doctor thinks it's great that I walk an hour every morning. To him I'm exercising. To me it's action! Walking for dollars! Looking for deals in my favorite parts of town. Besides, what better way to listen to a biggerpockets podcast than while out in the trenches, working the very lessons being shared week after week.
I've never been comfortable introducing myself as a buy & hold investor. Even though that's exactly what I've done the most. I've never understood why a flipper isn't just as much wholesaler as flipper. All of these strategies have a lot of ins and outs and should never be taken lightly. But they all have one thing in common. The first step is finding a deal. That one step opens the door to each strategy and seemingly endless possibilities.
The more you know about these strategies, the more you can be involved in. And we all know, the more deals you evaluate, the more opportunity you have. As you find deals or, even better, as deals find you. The time you've spent learning to evaluate properties kicks in and suddenly your distractions become your strength. In an instant (or after concentrated effort) you can easily see the best strategy for the property.
Now I'm not saying you'll have everything you need for every deal. But having the knowledge to recognize what's needed will definitely give you the ability to choose the path when a deal presents itself. So keep learning, keep listening, and keep dreaming.