Antonio Loios, GetEasy Limited and their inactivity in Portugal
On November 14th, the Bank of Portugal issued a statement that raises several facts, the usefulness of which remains a mystery. The statement says, among other things, that the company GetEasy Limited and Mister Antonio Loios are not entitled to operate in Portugal.
That’s perfectly fine. But what, exactly, is the use of such an announcement, since neither GetEasy Limited, nor Mister Antonio Loios have any business dealings in Portugal? This declaration can simply not be enforced. Indeed, Mister Loios does not have the license which would allow him to undertake a financial activity in Portugal. Neither does he have one to operate in Japan or Guatemala for that matter. Does this call for those countries’ central banks to issue a similar statement?
AS for GetEasy Limited, the company is registered in Macao and is in no way under Portuguese jurisdiction. Why, then, formulate such an announcement related to a foreign company that isn’t active in the country in question?
These questions will probably remain unanswered for some time. Meanwhile, the individuals behind this publication should introspect and realize that such reckless actions, even though legally sterile, cause considerable damage to the companies subjected to them.
Furthermore, the interested parties haven’t even been notified of this publication, nor have they been given the floor to express themselves on the question of a commercial activity (or lack thereof) in Portugal.