Shaking Off the Dirt
After a period of stagnant listings, analyzing two a day became a struggle as I did not want to go too far for my first investment. However, during this period, I was able to pick up more important tid bits of information that could further improve my journey!
First of all, setting up for a solo 401k can allow you to keep more of your money working for you. Thanks to Dmitriy, I was able to learn more about this wonderful way of deferring payments and providing my own banking for my investments.
Second of all, I have decided to obtain a realtor license, much thanks to the wise words of Brett. Being able to collect commission while buying a property is an excellent trade-off for minor fees. Furthermore, you get to know more about the market that you wish to invest in!
Both of these experts spared their precious time to help me out for no charge at all. Best part of it was that I had a spectacular time on the phone with both these gentlemen and am even more excited to trek forward on my investment journey.
Comments (1)
John, I'm glad you found the info I shared with you useful. Happy to help if you have any questions on the subject.
Dmitriy Fomichenko, over 9 years ago