If you want to learn...teach!!
If you want to learn something, and REALLY learn it...teach it. I know I'm not the first to say that. But, I've learned it recently from my own experience.
I'm an English teacher. I started about 8 years ago and the only experience that I really had was that English is my first language. I could remember about half the grammar rules when I started teaching, and the other half, I only knew what sounded right. But, you know what...after some time teaching, I picked up most of the rules. After a year or two, I figured out how all those exceptions to the rules work together into other rules. And, now I think I'm pretty good with English grammar.
But, I don't want to be an English teacher forever! I want to help people with their finances. To help people with their finances, I really need to learn. I have a business degree, so I know all the basics. But, still just know the basics. I want to be an expert in the subject! I can't (or maybe just don't want to) go back to school for a personal finance degree. But, that doesn't mean I can't learn. So, how can I learn more and become an expert in personal finance? TEACH personal finance!!
Last summer, I really had a heavy burden on my heart to teach Dave Ramsey's program at my church. I don't really agree with 100% of what Dave Ramsey teaches. But, I don't know anyone who's doing any better than him. Maybe I'll make my own program some day. But for now, I'm using his. About a week before we were going to open up for signups, I was emailing the director of our small group program at our church saying I couldn't do it. I just didn't feel like I knew enough to teach the material and it was really making me nervous. But, she encouraged me and I went ahead with it.
I'd read Ramsey's Complete Guide to Money before, but just kind of skimmed over it without realizing. But, when I was teaching, I really had to dig in and make sure I understood. A lot of the topics are based around American culture (we live in Korea), so I had to alter the lessons a bit, which made me research even more. Not to mention, when we talk about investing, I had to know more about the Korean markets and how the funds here work. So, I was researching America AND Korea so that I could compare the two. I felt like I knew enough before I started. But, I came away with way more knowledge than I could have ever expected.
Did I teach it perfectly? No. Could someone else that's reading this have taught it better? Definitely! But, I think most everyone got something out of it and I learned a TON from teaching it! And, in the 6 months since teaching it, I've read about a dozen other books on the topic and expanded my knowledge, gearing up to teach it again. So next time, I've got more knowledge. And the time after that...I know I'll have even more.
I'm starting the class again here in another few weeks. I'll let you know how it goes. And actually, I enjoyed it so much, that I'm using the material as a topic for an English conversation group for adults here in Seoul. I'm really looking forward to teaching again, and really excited to see what more I can learn!