Road M.A.P to Success
I still feel that I am a work in progress, but as I look around the playing field there are many real estate investors that have fizzled out and new ones coming on board. I personally have achieved some initial success with cash flowing properties, some profitable flips, and an awesome partnership that gets better with each house. I am a partner in a redevelopment company - we buy houses fast for cash in Springfield Massachusetts metro area to rehab and sell. I attribute surviving to this point by building on lessons learned and our successes from a simple acronym - M.A.P. My personal road MAP to success looks like this:
The first piece is MINDSET. You practically have to will things to happen and being around positive people. I try really hard focusing on staying around those folks that remain positive and are always looking for solutions and not just dwelling on problems. That is why my business partner Justin and I get along so well and that partnership goes well. I have a wildly supportive family both on my wife's side and mine.
The other is ABUNDANCE. I really believe the more that I can help others in this industry it will come back three or four fold. We started the Western Massachusetts Real Estate Investors Association for this area to help others become real estate investors or help them with their business. That is a great feeling to have!! A rising tide will lift all ships so as we help each other out by not hoarding deals or anything like that.
The last piece is PERSEVERANCE. You just have to stick with it! I am finding that the marketing that I did last summer is starting to payoff dividends now and the stuff that I do now will pay off dividends later. A good example is our first wholesale deal for this year. This was a lady that I started mailing last July. It took four letters before she picked up the phone which happened in November. Then it took another three months before she decided to sell. It was literally one big New England snowstorm and she called and said, "I am done! I am ready." It was all about sticking to our marketing and being there when she was ready to sell.
These are the three pieces that have helped me so far and that I look to everyday to get me to where I am am going. That is mine. What is yours?
Comments (2)
Thanks for sharing. For me: I am looking for way I can cooperate, not compete.
Dmitriy Fomichenko, over 9 years ago
i agree with all 3 @Bob Couture|
i would add 1 more to mine and that would be hard work
to many new investors get into this business thinking they are going to make a lot of money without doing anything
that does not happen and then they disappear
thanks for all you do,it has been interesting following your sucess here and in the DFA
Mark Brogan, over 9 years ago