It Beggins
Let me begin by introducing myself and restating what this blog is about. My name is Duane Taylor and I currently have no real experience with investing.
Let me explain.
Although I have been known to indulge in, what I like the call, armchair investing, and like many an armchair politician I have no real training in investing; formal or otherwise. Now don't get me I have a basic understanding of some of the fundamentals such as compound intrest, equity, budgeting, basic leverage, cashflow, and Warren Buffet. However my knowledge base lay more in the direction of multimedia and game design machanics.
Now with that said, let's move on to the reasons and reasoning behind this blog.
~The first point of this blog is to give me a platform to document this adventure into reale estate investin.
~The second point of this blog is as a means to help me push myself while keeping myself accountable to my goals and actions in relation to my real estate investing, and we're ever it may take me.
~The third point of this blog is to give myself a place to try out and practice my ideas and strategies for my real estate invest. (Dry runs on paper, or more aptly in cyberspace, if you will.
So how do I intend to follow through on these point. Well each week I plan to evaluate and summarize at least 1 podcast, book, blog, or forum discussion that I listened to or read that week to test my understanding of the subject matter. In addition, each week I plan to take 1-10 properties that I find on sites like zillion, realtor.com, and/county auction and evaluate or analyze them for deal potential. (It should be noted that I will only be analyzing and NOT buying these properties, not yet anyway, as I am unable to follow through on what ever deals I may find this way. It's just not viable for me right now financially or otherwise at the time of this writing. This is souly a test in deal hunting for the time being). I will also try to keep whatever readers I may develop in the future roughly apraised of what progress I have made on following through on my business plan. (Which will be the next blog entry).
And with that, I go to poke a dragon in the nose.