Missouri River Flooding and How We Can Help YOU
As you all know- There are some major issues with the Missouri River flooding. We are aware that it has affected MANY mobile home parks, as well as the residents of these parks. At Niche Investment Network- We want to help!
We own own parks in Yankdon, South Dakota; Nebraska City, Nebraska; and Glyndon, Devils Lake, Pipestone, and Montevideo, Minnesota.
If you are in a flooded park and would like to move to one of these parks, we are willing to help. We will actually pay to have your home moved to our park. If your home is not flooded, but you are looking to move, we will buy your mobile home from you.
Let us help you!
Call or email Dave Reynolds. He can be reached at [email protected] or (970) 856- 4882.
Or contact Frank Rolfe at [email protected] or (573) 535- 0206.