Solar Power: The New Way to RV
Wednesday, June 29
Are you confined to certain rv parks because you need electricity? Or are you using a generator that costs too much in gas? Would you like to be independent of these confinements and gas costs? Consider trying RV Solar Panel Kits, they can give y...
The Incorrect Assumption on Billboard Height
Thursday, June 23
When I first got in the billboard business, I assumed that the taller the sign, the better the sign. When I was driving down the interstate and I saw a really tall billboard, I would think to myself “now there’s a valuable sign”. I used t...
The Best Start-Up Business Model
Tuesday, June 21
With Flipping single family homes a thing or the past, it’s time to examine other real-estate oriented options for more fertile territory. One area that is often overlooked is outdoor billboard media – basically big signs that advertise located on highways and roads. Th...
Why Invest in RV Park Signage
Wednesday, June 15
One of the most overlooked improvements you can make to your RV Park or Campground is professional-quality signage. Good looking signage gives customers a great first impression, and has a real purpose -- giving good information and directions. It’s the amenit...
Need an Attitude Adjustment? Try RV Park Service?
Monday, June 13
The last time I was at a National Park, I noticed that there is a certain "feel" to being there. It's a happy, safe feeling, kind of like being a kid at your Grandmother's house. And I think you get that feeling from the attitude of the Park Rangers and employees. So what m...
Missouri River Flooding and How We Can Help YOU
Monday, June 06
As you all know- There are some major issues with the Missouri River flooding. We are aware that it has affected MANY mobile home parks, as well as the residents of these parks. At Niche Investment Network- We want to help! We own own parks in Yankdon, South Dakota; Nebraska City, Nebraska;...