How to increase Sales by staying organized
Since getting into Real Estate, I live and die by my phone and computer. I feel like they're an extension of me. Every morning, the first thing I do when I wake up is check my phone to see what I have going on that day. When I set a new appointment I immediately have to put it into my phone or gmail calendar because I’m afraid I will forget even if I’m not that busy. It may be because I have OCD but this system has worked for me so far. I find that the busier we get, the harder it is to keep track of everything. This may include new prospects, client showings, closing and inspection dates….I could go on. In this business, it is vital to stay organized or you could miss out on sales and or important events. The biggest problem I’ve faced is forgetting the status of a prospect and when the last time I spoke to them was. After speaking with other Realtors, I have found many are having trouble staying organized and some who have forgotten to contact or follow up with prospects. I’m going to share with you just a couple of things I use to help myself with my daily schedule as well as manage a list of clients and prospects which have resulted in more sales. See below.
- Sync your email and calendar to your phone. I use gmail but other providers should be able to do this as well. I find this to be more convenient especially if you’re on the road and don’t have access to your computer.
2. Set up a proper sales funnel using Excel or google docs or whatever you prefer (see format below). The point is to keep track of everything you’re involved in and even see your conversation rates. Knowing your numbers is essential.
3. Have a master list of everyone whose information you have collected. Include addresses, emails etc. We’re in the information collection business so we need to keep track of as much information as possible. Place each person on your list in the column that you think they fall under in your sales funnel. (see format below).
Marketing List
Name Address CityState Zip Email Phone Number
Sales Funnel- I’ve broken it down into 3 pages. Page 1 is your funnel. Page 2 is the number of transactions for the year and Page 3 is the status of each transaction.
Page 1
Suspects Prospects Active Negotiation Closed
Suspects are anyone you’ve met or whose information you’ve gathered whether from a networking event or just being out with friends. It can be from anywhere.
Prospects are people you’ve spoken to who have mentioned having some kind of Real estate need in the future.
Active- these are people who have expressed a Real Estate need of some kind and are currently looking. They’ve gone through the necessary steps(pre approval etc). It could be someone who you’ve been keeping up with and is now ready to pull the trigger on buying, renting etc or someone you just met either way they’re ready now!
Negotiation- this is for people who you have helped and are currently under contract, signed a lease etc.
Closed- people who you have helped close on a house or rental etc. Once you’ve closed, you should put them right back onto the list as a prospect. Chances are they’ll either be selling or buying if they’re a renter in the future.
This should help keep track of your funnel. What helps even more is if you color code them by importance AND write a note next to each name. I often detail when the last time I spoke to them was and what the outcome was and if there is a follow up planned.
Page 2
This helps me keep track of the kind of transactions that I have so far in the year. I’ve included rentals since our company does them.
Leases Signed Buyers Agreements Buyers ClosedListings Listings closed
Total Commissions
Page 3
This helps me keep track of information related to each transaction such as address of rental or listing and each buyer and the address of the home in which they’re under contract. It also allows me to see how much $ I’ve brought in from my deals.
Rental AddressAvailable Date Price Lease Start
Listings Price Effective dateExpires Status Closing
Buyers(name / address) Price Ratification DateStatus Closing
Feel free to share the system you use. So far this has been very effective in helping me stay organized and not miss any potential transactions coming my way.