The Importance of Screening Tenants and How to Do the Screening Process
Sunday, May 08
Let's go through tenant screening. Let's say you prepared the property. You've done all the things you've talked about. You've gone through your marketing plan. You've advertised and done all that. Now people are calling you and even expressing interest in terms of filling out an appl...
The Importance of Screening Tenants and How to Do the Screening Process
Sunday, May 08
Let's go through tenant screening. Let's say you prepared the property. You've done all the things you've talked about. You've gone through your marketing plan. You've advertised and done all that. Now people are calling you and even expressing interest in terms of filling out an appl...
Renters Beware: Double-digit Rent Hikes May be Coming Soon.
Sunday, March 20
(CNNMoney) — Renters beware: Double-digit rent hikes may be coming soon. Already, rental vacancy rates have dipped below the 10% mark, where they had been lodged for most of the past three years. “The demand for rental housing has already started to increase,” said Peggy Alford, president...
Real Estate Landlords - Learn the Top Ten Tax Deductions
Sunday, March 06
Learn about the many tax deductions available to rental property owners. Every year, millions of landlords pay more taxes on their rental income than they have to. Why? Because they fail to take advantage of all the tax deductions available for owners of rental property. Rental real estate ...
Why Private Money is the #1 Option for Financing Your Investments
Sunday, January 09
There are so many misunderstandings related with private money lending for real estate investors. In fact, most real estate investor do not understand or participate in private money because they do not understand what it is or how to get started. There is a long a history of private money l...
Property Management - The Important of Money Management
Monday, December 27
Many investors are surprised to find out how much money management is actually involved with residential property management. Once the right property in the perfect location is selected, many investors believe all they have left to do is collect the monthly rent check from their tenan...