The easiest way to increase cash flow is...
Clean up your monthly recurring bills people! I’ve had the privilege of digging deep into friends and family finances in the hopes of helping them improve their financial life. I’m constantly amazed of all the unnecessary bills people are paying each month. It’s like no one cares that they are in debt and are going to be flat broke when they get older. People need to someone to kick them in the butt to see what they are doing and how much they are spending. I am about to kick your butt in this topic with the info below. Read it, follow it, love it!!
If you are someone who constantly complains about not having money or you’re not able to save money and you have a job. Then that means you are spending too much money on crap and unnecessary expenses. Cutting out these kinds of expenses is the first step to getting on the road to financial freedom.
Here are some examples of the expenses I’ve seen that are holding you back.
1) Gym Membership – People are paying anywhere from $15 to $60 a month on gym fees and most of them only end up going once a month. This needs to be resolved asap! Quit your membership folks. There is no need to waste gas, go to a gym and use nasty, sweaty equipment anymore. I personally go running outside and the days that the weather does not coincide, I do a home workout, specifically T25. I guarantee you that if you were to do this workout and follow the regimen, you would be in way better shape than the workout you’re doing at the gym. It’s literally a 25 minute workout that you can do in the comfort of your own home. You don’t even have to follow their regimen, just pick a CD and pop it in. That 25 minute work out will crush you. You can use these DVDs forever and save hundreds and hundreds of dollars. That is just one example, there are hundreds of home workout programs. You need to jump on this band wagon and stop wasting money.
2) Cable TV or Satellite – If you haven’t already noticed, internet streaming is taking over the world. There is no point in paying $100 per month anymore to watch television. There are multiple ways to get your fix people. I personally cut out my satellite dish years ago for Netflix. Its $10 per month and has more than enough TV shows and movies to make you happy. If you are concerned about certain channels you wont get there is another awesome service called Sling Tv. Its a new service they offer where you can live stream tons of channels. Like really good channels, the ones you want to see. Espn, Espn2, AMC, Food network, A&E, History channel, TNT, HBO, HGTV, Disney, CNN, TBS, Travel channel, Adult Swim, Galavision, cartoon network, the list goes on. You do not need anything more than this and its $20 per month. Between that and netflix you no longer need cable or satellite. Cancel it right now. Seriously! Go!! Go now and come back after you’ve cancelled it. You will thank me later.
3) Donations and charities – This may sound mean but if you are in debt, you should not be giving money away people! Get rid of your debt, then consider donating money to a good cause. For example, I discovered a person I knew who is in debt, has a negative net worth and was paying a local radio station a $10 monthly donation because they liked the radio show. Really!! I know it was only $10 but when it comes down to being smart about money, you need to track every penny as every penny helps your cash flow situation. End this now!!
4) Monthly credit card bills – This topic really merits its own article in itself but the gist of it is that if you are paying a monthly credit card bill and you’re in debt, you need to figure out a way to pay this off and stop using your credit card ASAP. This is an emergency situation that needs to be addressed. If you have to use your credit card to purchase things then you can’t afford it so don’t buy it! If this is you then you need to read a debt book like "Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey" asap and start taking care of your debt situation. If you are a financially savvy person that uses your credit card for rewards and pays it off in full every month then I applaud you. That is the only way you should ever be making monthly credit card expenses.
5) Home phone land line – Don’t even get me started on this one. If you are paying this then you are lost in the 90’s. Wake up and see we are living in 2015 now. I don’t even think they make new homes with existing phone line connections anymore. I actually met someone just this past weekend that had this. I yelled at them!
6) Monthly checking accounts fees – There are so many credit unions and banks out there now offering free checking. I know it’s a pain to transfer everything over but do it. Save the money! This is crap fee that no one should ever have to pay.
7) Monthly mortgage expense – Folks if you haven’t already noticed, interest rates are ridiculous cheap. If you can shave off even 1% on your rate you can save a ton of money on your mortgage bill. Your monthly mortgage amount will be significantly smaller. This can also be a daunting task and requires a lot of work but its worth it. It’s free to find out if you can even qualify. Run the numbers, see what can be done.
8) Monthly auto insurance – Most people get an insurance company to work with and they stick with it for ever. This is the wrong tactic. Every 3 or 4 years you should get new quotes from different companies and see about lowering your insurance bill while maintaining the same coverage. You will be surprised when you find out you have been over paying this whole time. This is also something you can do for free to find out if you can save money. Start looking around now for an insurance broker. They can pull quotes from multiple companies and offer you the best deal. This also applies to your home insurance if you have a house. Get a cheaper quote for this too. Same exact process. Package your home and auto insurance with your new cheaper insurance company and they both get even cheaper. WINNER!
If you do all of this, you probably just increased your monthly cash flow by at least $200. That is an extra two hundy in your pocket that you can use for investing.
Do as much as of this as you can now!! Can you think of any other monthly bills you can cut?
Comments (10)
So true!!
Every year or two I go through everything and cut the fat. It is amazing how many little automatic payments can somehow creep into your life. This "outflow creep" is usually not included in any mental accounting people do, so is essentially an invisible drain.
Here's another one - check your cell phone bill thoroughly once in a while. Look at all the pages, because often the various charge category details are on a different page (it will say that, but most people won't turn to the page and look). You may find subscriptions and other recurring charges that you didn't realize you were signed up for. Really. I have gotten some significant refunds and trimmed my bill by doing this - most people don't read their bills!
Elizabeth (Lisa) Sweet, almost 10 years ago
@Oisin Milne
I couldn't have put it better Oisin. I know for a fact your method works also because I sometimes get free drinks at bars just for being super friendly to the bartenders. If we could only incorporate this into every aspect of our lives I'm sure it would benefit in all areas.
Good thinking! I love that one.
Alexander A., almost 10 years ago
I would like to throw in 'Cultivate specific relationships' I should by all rights ve paying out £185 a month for london travel, but because I take the time to look after the guys in my local tube station, I spend about £40 a month for nothing more than giving them the left over food every time I'm on the closing shift at work.
Befriend the people who work for companies which take your money, they will usually see you done right. Coffee addicts? Be the best person ever for your local coffee shop and they will give you free coffee a lot more often.
Gym addict? (Yeah, I know, point number 1, but addicts are addicts) flirt with the receptionists more than the instructors, then every so often (6 months or so?) see if they can find you a better deal.
If you are serious about getting into real estate, connect and befriend others who can help, but more specifically whom *you* can help in some way.
Connection economy, it's totally the future.
Oisin Milne, almost 10 years ago
Hey Tyler,
You are right on the money my friend! Living frugal is key to getting on the path to financial freedom. You combine being frugal and cutting all your expenses to the bare minimum and that is a sure way to start building wealth.
I see people all the time out there driving expensive cars, wearing super expensive clothes and for what? So that others can think you have money? When i reality they have none. Doesn't make sense!
Alexander A., almost 10 years ago
I would just add that to anyone in debt (or complaining about lack of money), you should be living as frugal as you can until you get where you want to be.
I don't want to hear ANYONE complaining about money issues if I see them in a new car, eating out at restaurants, with new clothes, etc. Most (not all) people in debt deserve to be there because they're living outside of their means and want it all now with no sacrifice.
Sacrifice a bit now to reap the rewards later.
Tyler Cruz, almost 10 years ago
Yonelle Baptiste, almost 10 years ago
Hi Yonelle,
Thanks for the comment. I'm very happy to hear that you are thinking about getting rid of that bill. Seriously, if you do it, you wont regret it. The more money you can save, even if its just a bit, the more you have toward investing and getting to that financial freedom we all so dream about.
Make it happen! Just lay the hammer down and do it. First thing tomorrow morning! :)
Alexander A., almost 10 years ago
Yonelle Baptiste, almost 10 years ago
I just thought of another little trick that I do, i cant believe I forgot to post it.
If you have an internet service provider (you know, where you pay your monthly internet bill to). check and find out if your contract is up. If it is, tell them you are going to switch to a cheaper provider. They will at least match the offer if not beat it to retain you and they dont renew your contract. I go through this same process every year with time warner. Trust me. it works!
Alexander A., almost 10 years ago
@Alexander A.
You are practically quoting my family's guru, Mr. Money Mustache! He likes to call it a 'punch in the face' wakeup call! (-:
FYI folks, my husband and I have saved over 500.00 a month on doing JUST the above steps! (We've done even more & saved $$$) Tip: Follow the same Internet provider advice for your cell phones - ask for a better deal and you'll probably get it.
What can['t] YOU do with an extra $6,000.00 this year?
Terri B., almost 10 years ago