My Story as an Newbie Investor
I’m new to the investing thing myself; I always had a passion for investing. Business wise it was a way to diversify my income, and second was a way to help people out of their situation and getting them in a home. Like I said before owning and running an Art, Fashion, and Graphic Design business you hardly have time for anything. On occasions I would get on calls, and often I read books. What I learn is that if I was to be great at anything I must carve out some time for myself in that day or week to educate myself. With that education, one thing a person must learn about one self is how he or she “comprehends the information”. Different people have different ways of absorbing information, for me a have to be in it physically. Walking in it, seeing it, touching it, and hearing it.
If you’re talking to me, asking me questions after you explain yourself. This helps me to retain the information, and not a question that judges because I can feel that. But you know if someone is being genuine about what they are giving or selling you because its resonate with you. This breeds loyal worker or potential clients when one have this type of understanding.
I just landed a few deals wholesaling four properties with sellers in the Rock Hill South Carolina area that I’m really excited about. This brings me to my last thing to share; Take Action!
No matter if you’re driving around looking for property, talking to like minded individuals about REI three or more days out of the week consciously, or drawing out plans and executing them at your own pace, JUST DO SOMETHING. No matter how much you learn, prepare, practice and rehearse, know that you will goof up and it’s OK-Get over it! Know that every mistake you make takes you that much closer to become a winner.
I hope this helps out all the newcomers on here. And would love to hear from everyone on their deals, stories, and success.
Peace, Love and Light
Comments (1)
Mr Dunlap
Congrats on taking action. I can't tell you how many would be investors fail this first step. Now the key is to profit and learn from these first deals you reference and set a goal to make the next 3 even better!!! It is very rare for your first deal to be the best deal you ever do if you know what I mean
Good Investing
Michael Zuber, almost 10 years ago