By Gosh I think I've got it!!
Hello BP,
I hope everyone is doing great today. Especially you, "Single Mom Super Women," hats off too us on today. I would like too start by saying, at the moment, not only do I find myself battling my Real Estate career but these days simple things like doing the dishes have been an all out " war zone." Nonetheless, this morning , I opened my eyes and smiled because today I was blessed with another day of "FIGHT!"
" I am a believer, I believe in GOD." I also believe wholeheartedly that if you trust him, no matter the situation, he will direct your path. For the past week or so, I have been praying for answers and direction concerning my Real Estate career and for the past week, on my daughters morning walk too school, I have been walking past this home. Everyday there are more boxes pilling onto the curb, strong indication of a pending move.
Yesterday, I decided too look in one of those boxes and" low and behold," a business card. I have contacted the owners to see if they are planning the sale of their home in the near future, but I've only sent an email. I don't want to disturb anyone, but I would like to explain, " I'm available and I would like to assists them, if they are selling.
What would you do? Thanks BP