Finally: The Start
Well, I guess it is my time to get this business moving. I have been studying for a little more than a year and I think I have the strategy that I want to use to make my Goals. Yes, I know I capitalized it, but I am looking at it as a person to meet and get to know rather than an abstract thing. I have a realtor, title company and Bigger Pockets on my side. I have asked the realtor to do something, he has never heard of before, to get the foundation of my business started. I do have some people that I am trying to find deals and now I have a realtor that is going to give me what I am asking. The lady at the title company has been very helpful and has asked a couple investors that she knows to help give me some insight and possibly become a mentor to me. I am really excited on meeting and working with them.
Well, I have always been told that you need to know your WHY to be able to fuel you in this business when things are not going well. SO I thought about it and I have always known what it was but never articulated it. My WHY is to get my family to a point in life that we live how we want and not how we HAVE to. I am a 70% disabled veteran of 17 years in the Army and I have been told that I may get a 100% rating soon and may be classified as 100% unemployable. That CAN NOT and WILL NOT keep me from supporting my family. This business will be the vehicle I will drive, refuel, tune up and fix to get to my Goal of LIVE LIKE NO OTHER.
Comments (1)
As a veteran, thank you for your service and since you plan and dig deep, you WILL prevail.
Raja Minhas, almost 10 years ago