10 Ways To Find Motivated Sellers
10 Ways To Find Motivated Sellers
1.Out of state absentee owners - Often out of state absentee owners do not have an emotional attachment to the property or it has become a hassle and many make them more likely to sell.
2. Distressed Homeowners Pre NOD - There is still a plentiful amount of distressed homeowners and there always will be. Many of these homeowners want to sell and need to sell. A decent percentage of them may have enough equity to sell traditionally.
3.Vacant Properties - These are prime to generate listings. They may take a little work but the payoff is worth it.
4.Free and Clear Homes - Many of these owners would likely cash out if they were approached to sell. Cash offers are a great strategy for a quick and easy sale.
5.Foreclosures NOD's - Contact homeowners who are losing their home for a listing. Since there is a timeline natural urgency is built in.
6.Tax Liens - Homeowners delinquent on property taxes. Indicates problems that can be solved.
7.Texting - Should be communicating with your prospects via text where ever possible. Many Millennial's prefer this form of communication.
8.Outbound calling - Still the least expensive and most responsive way to network and speak with homeowners in your farm area.
9.Email - Important and cost effective way to communicate.
10.Mailers - The right direct mail technique can produce big results. Test, test, test and it will payoff.
If you need more listing try incorporating some or all of the above types and techniques for increased success.
Comments (1)
Brian K., almost 10 years ago