Advertise Your Property Properly
Whether you are an FSBO or a real estate broker, there are several things that you are supposed to do in order make sure that you are getting maximum exposure to buyers for the properties that you are selling. Call it too much creativity or just plain overthinking but sometimes there are real estate advertising that simply fail. Of course you wouldn’t want this to happen to you. To plan and properly execute your real estate advertising, here are some tips which you can follow:
- 1. Set your advertising goals and objectives - is your advertising goal to crowdsource for listings? or is it to sell properties in your listing? The thrust of your advertising is entirely different on your purpose. The success is gauged through the achievement of such of objective but this is not going to happen if you do not identify such goals and objectives.
- 2. Do Your Research - find inspiration in different advertisements and it doesn’t need to be in the real estate niche. Look at the best advertising, and brainstorm on how you can apply this advertising strategy to your own and to achieving your advertising goals and objectives.
- 3. Draw out your Advertising Plan - now that you have the initial pieces of your advertising puzzle, it is time for you to draw out your advertising plan. Make sure that you stay on course with regards to your objectives. Your advertising plan must be based on the goals and objectives that you initially drew. As they say fail to plan and you plan to fail. Make sure that your advertising is well thought out.
- 4. Test Your Advertising - this doesn’t have to be an elaborate test, by merely asking your friends or team members who would fit your target audience. Testing may help you determine which part of your advertising may need tweaking.
- 5. Gather Data - always assume that this is not going to be your first and last advertising. This is why once you have implemented your advertising campaign it is important to gather data. Have you reached your target audience? How many leads did you get through your advertising campaign? These, and some other helpful questions must be answered by gathering the data once you have implemented your campaign.
Advertising is not only about getting the word out about your company through radio, tv, print or the internet. It is also entail careful planning, execution and after campaign tracking in order to know whether your campaign is effective and if it indeed achieved your goal. So whether you are a real estate broker or an FSBO using flat-fee mls service, you need to make a solid advertising plan.