It has been a while?
Sunday, March 06
It has been a while. Since my last posting I have deployed on sea duty with the Navy. It is a lot harder to stay connected than I thought it was going to be. I am still reading not as much as I want due to professional obligations but still reading when I can. I am consumer debt free and starting...
Update to my POAM for REI
Thursday, June 04
As of June 1 I have finished reading the ABC's or REI by Ken McElroy. I have received some commercial property investment opportunity in the Cleveland area and trying to apply what I have just read. I am starting a new book today, "Getting Things Done" by David Allen. Will keep you updatedGeorge
Wednesday, May 13
I owed myself some action items from Ch. 2.I have a rough draft of the Plan of Action and Milestones (POAM)1- Read 1 Book a month on REI/Business/Self Improvement*6/1/15 finished ABC's of REI by Ken McElroy2- Consumer Debt Free, Curently owe $6,500 in Credit Card Debt Milestone August, 20153- $10...
The ABC's of Real Estate Investing Ch 2
Wednesday, May 06
Chapter Two is complete. My lessons learned and action plan: Set my goal:I want to obtain a passive cash flow of two thousand dollars in real estate before I retire from the U.S. Navy in October 2022.I think my goal reaches the SMART principal Specific:I want to earn passive income in REI M...
The ABC of Real Estate Investing
Monday, May 04
I am in the middle of reading "The ABC's of Real Estate Investing" by Ken McElroy. As finish a chapter I will discuss the chapter and what actions I have taken. here is my Chapter One review. What I learned in Chapter One:I think that I have fallen prey to a couple of the myths that Mr. McElro...